
Displaying 141 - 150 of 159

Sri Lanka - Community Development and Livelihood Improvement Gemi Diriya Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment of the Sri Lanka Community Development and Livelihoods Improvement project implemented between 2004 and 2010 in three of Sri Lanka's southernmost provinces. Referred to as the…
Measuring Up: The Importance of Quality Results Frameworks in Country Strategies

Measuring Up: The Importance of Quality Results Frameworks in Country Strategies

Using results frameworks to improve planning and to better identify potential dynamic synergies at country level.

Lighting the Torch: UNEG Evaluation Week 2015

“Evaluation everywhere, and at every level, will play a key role in implementing the new development agenda.”

Results Frameworks in Country Strategies--Lessons from Evaluations

A Results Framework (RF) is an integral part of all the components of the Country Partnership Framework process. The RF calls for a clear specification of country and WBG goals, the specific objectives selected by the…

World Bank Lending for Financial Inclusion: Lessons from Reviews of Select Projects (working paper)

Working paper--background for Financial Inclusion macro evaluation.The purpose of the paper is to present a more granular view of such projects through the in-depth focus on a limited number of case studies, with a view…
Thanks for Letting Us Know What You Think of Us!

Thanks for Letting Us Know What You Think of Us!

Results of IEG's client survey - an exercise in evaluating the evaluator.

IEG Client Survey Report 2014

New Video: The Big Business of Small Enterprises

New Video: The Big Business of Small Enterprises

New video breaks down how to improve WBG support to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Senegal - Supporting Access to On-site Sanitation Services through Output-Based Aid Scheme Project

The two water and sanitation projects reviewed in this PPAR were both intended to consolidate the results achieved through an earlier World Bank operation supporting the sector in Senegal. The Long-Term Water Sector…

Brazil - First Programmatic Development Policy Loan for Sustainable Environmental Management Project

Ratings for the First Programmatic Development Policy Loan (DPL) for Sustainable Environmental Management Project for Brazil were as follows: outcome was unsatisfactory; risk to…