
Displaying 121 - 130 of 159
Results and Performance

Results and Performance

Interested in the World Bank Group'€™s Performance? Read On...
Evaluation, Influence and the Wheels of Change

Evaluation, Influence and the Wheels of Change

Patience and persistence are necessary virtues for evaluators as evidence based change usually takes time to deliver.
Professionalizing Evaluation

Professionalizing Evaluation

As the long-running debate continues in this year of evaluation, we ask if the time has come to professionalize.
Financing Development

Financing Development

2015 sees the start of a unique opportunity to transform development finance – let’s commit to learning from the past to realize a better future.
why focus on results when nobody uses them

IEG LIVE: Why Focus on Results When No One Uses Them? Towards Useful Evaluations

A lively conversation among leaders in development about producing and using evaluations and putting countries on pathways to evidence-based decision-making. The session was hosted by the Independent Evaluation Group in…
Ready for post-2015?

Ready for post-2015?

What we can learn from the Bank Group’s engagement with the MDGs
Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2014

Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2014

The year 2015 is pivotal in international development. As the era of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) concludes, work continues to take forward the unfinished MDG agenda and to define and meet the more ambitious…

Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2014 (Volume I: Main Report)

The year 2015 is pivotal in international development. As the era of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) concludes, work continues to take forward the unfinished MDG agenda and to define and meet the more ambitious…
Evaluation Supports the Work of Parliamentarians

Evaluation Supports the Work of Parliamentarians

Producing evidence from the past to inform future actions serves to heighten the level and quality of public debate.