
Displaying 1251 - 1260 of 5577

Value-for-Money: Value-for-Whom?

Evaluators need to ask themselves tougher questions about what difference their recommendations will make and the value they’ll add.

World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States Appendices

These are the Appendices to the 2014 IEG Evaluation World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States.

Promoting Inclusive Growth

To promote inclusive growth the Bank Group needs to get the diagnostics of inclusion right before designing meaningful interventions that level the playing field for all.

World Bank Group Partnerships: Moving Forward Together

How can global partnerships and country programs work better together? A new IEG evaluation charts a future course.

Expanding Influence: IEG 2014 Annual Report

In FY14 IEG responded to changes at the World Bank Group by delivering a number of highly appreciated evaluations that spoke to issues on the change agenda and informed policy choices and new beginnings. This 2014…
Young women at a vocational education and training center Vocational education and training center; National Initiative for Human Development Support Project (INDH). Photo: Dana Smillie / World Bank

Evaluation for a More Equitable Society

What role has evaluation played in the pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals and what can it add to the post-2015 development agenda?

It's Complicated: The Relationship between Risks and Results

IEG’s report on the Results and Performance of the World Bank Group examines the role of risk management
Investment Climate Reforms

Investment Climate Reforms

This evaluation finds that the World Bank Group has supported a comprehensive menu of investment climate reforms. These reforms were generally supported in the right countries and generally addressed the right areas of…

Meeting the Climate Challenge: Lessons From and About Evaluation

Learning and evidence from evaluation can and should inform action to combat climate change

Independent Evaluation of the Climate Investment Funds Volume 1: Evaluation Report

The Climate Investment Funds (CIF), established in 2008, are a pair of funds to help developing countries pilot low-emissions and climate-resilient development. The purpose of the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) is "to…