
Displaying 5321 - 5330 of 5577

Honduras - Livestock Development Project

This report presents the results of an audit of the Fishing Harbors Rehabilitation Project for Iceland and is based in part on a Project Completion Report (PCR). The audit agrees in…

India - Ninth Industrial Imports Project

This report presents the results of an audit of the Fishing Harbors Rehabilitation Project for Iceland and is based in part on a Project Completion Report (PCR). The audit agrees in…

Mali - Highway Maintenance Project

This report presents the results of an audit of the Fishing Harbors Rehabilitation Project for Iceland and is based in part on a Project Completion Report (PCR). The audit agrees in…

Tunisia - First and Second Water Supply Projects

This report presents the results of an audit of the Fishing Harbors Rehabilitation Project for Iceland and is based in part on a Project Completion Report (PCR). The audit agrees in…

Jamaica - Agricultural Credit Project

This report presents the results of an audit of the Fishing Harbors Rehabilitation Project for Iceland and is based in part on a Project Completion Report (PCR). The audit agrees in…

Ivory Coast - Cocoa Project

The Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast can be considered to have achieved the somewhat narrow goals set at appraisal. Considering the fact that cocoa projects have a long gestation…

Papua New Guinea - Agricultural Development Project

The Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast can be considered to have achieved the somewhat narrow goals set at appraisal. Considering the fact that cocoa projects have a long gestation…

Mauritania - Highway Maintenance Project

The Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast can be considered to have achieved the somewhat narrow goals set at appraisal. Considering the fact that cocoa projects have a long gestation…

Chad - Highway Maintenance Project

The Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast can be considered to have achieved the somewhat narrow goals set at appraisal. Considering the fact that cocoa projects have a long gestation…

Iran - Ghazwin Development Project

The Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast can be considered to have achieved the somewhat narrow goals set at appraisal. Considering the fact that cocoa projects have a long gestation…