2013 IEG Good Practice Award Winners
Country Program Award for a Fragile State (Specific Aspects)
- Afghanistan Country Program, Fiscal 2002-11
Country Program Award for Treatment of Governance and Anti-Corruption Issues
- Bangladesh Country Program, Fiscal 2006-10
Project Award
- Guatemala Financial Sector Project
Award for Products with a Demonstrated Contribution
- India Gujarat State Highway Project
- China 'Reducing Inequality for Shared Growth In China: Strategy and Policy Options for Guangdong Province'
M&E Quality Award
- Operations Policy and Country Services (OPCS) analysis of outcome trends in investment lending projects over Fiscal 2000-10.
ICR Quality Award
- Serbia Real Estate Cadastre and Registration Project Implementation Completion Report (ICR) (Report No. ICR 2076)
- Benin Malaria Control Booster Program ICR (Report No. ICR 2042)
XPSR Awards
- Endesa Brasil
- Stomana II (Bulgaria)
- Access GEM (Nigeria)
- PNOC (EDC) (Philippines)
- GeoPark (Latin America)
PCR Awards
- BTC Advisory (Botswana)
- Zambia Kafue Gorge Lower Hydroelectric Power Plan
XPSR Department Award
- Infrastructure and Natural Resources Department – Asia
PER Award
- Botnia Uruguay
- Société Burkinabé de Promotion Hôtelière S.A. (Burkina Faso)