Hosted by the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group, this 2018 Annual Meetings session drew from recent country experiences and past evaluations of World Bank Group operations to share lessons on how countries can harness the power of disruptive technologies while mitigating the risks. A key focus of the conversation was to identify what works in terms of approaches, policies, regulation, and ensuring that the disruptive technologies promote inclusive development. Key themes explored included the potential of disruptive technologies to solve existing and emerging development challenges, proven pathways and strategies for countries to pursue, and the implications for governance, human capital, job creation, and social inclusion.
Speakers also reflected on the role of multilateral development institutions such as the World Bank Group and the scope for increased collaboration at institutional, country, regional and global level.
Can disruptive technologies be affordable and easy-to-learn for smallholder farmers living the rural areas to help them to be better equipped to respond to those challenges caused by climate change in agricultural sector?
Disruptive technogy are of different degrees,,,harvesters is better than ox
Plough.Harnessing it benefits for a 3rd
World country starts from cost of purchase to ease of use for the community.,but it becomes a white elephant project when earlier feasibility studies of terrain and people[users] aren neglected by political office holders who just want to purchase agricultural machineries for political points
The African economy is agriculture based, nevertheless the African smallholder farmers live under the hazards of deficit of agricultural production as they face regularly to the challenge of climate change with major effects of dropping their expect agricultural production when it is known that the overall smallholder farmers of developing countries have no savings for covering the aftershock of climate change.
Indeed, it has been noticed that fields are damaged after heavy rains happened somewhere in Burundi, a country of sub-Saharan area of Africa where intense precipitations erase regularly the harvest and other goods belonging to smallholder farmers living in the plains as well as in the mountains, accordingly the humanitarian assistance is often undertaken by public governmental institutions as well as qualitative organizations in favor of smallholder farmers in distress.
The current disruptive technology should be a tool of climate change resilience as well as in inclusive development by weather forecasting sent from the weather forecast data center to smallholder farmers towards mobile phones. The disruptive technology used in the accurate satellite photography could be shared easily through mobile phones by smallholder farmers and insurances of agriculture in monitoring the aftermath of climate change in agriculture. Also, the smallholder farmers living in remote areas could seek and receive financial assistance of insurances of agriculture towards their respective mobile phones.
The multilateral development institutions could serve as leaders in climate change resilience in agriculture by funding insurances for agriculture and weather forecast data centers involved in partnership with smallholder farmers. It is obvious that the insurances for agriculture remain scarce in developing countries particularly in Africa where it is needed that the multilateral development institutions launch the insurances for agriculture in order to ensure an average income for smallholder farmers living in developing countries.
I dare imagine that the insurances for agriculture will grow in number and in business across the whole Africa due to the performance of the current disruptive technology and through the support of the World Bank Group and other specific institutions involved in supporting smallholder farmers of rural area in increasing their income.
Blockchain promises the biggest disruptive development in the timeline of technological change. Elimination of intermediation! So, can inclusive growth stand to this force.
Can disruptive technologies…
Can disruptive technologies be affordable and easy-to-learn for smallholder farmers living the rural areas to help them to be better equipped to respond to those challenges caused by climate change in agricultural sector?
Disruptive technogy are of…
Disruptive technogy are of different degrees,,,harvesters is better than ox
Plough.Harnessing it benefits for a 3rd
World country starts from cost of purchase to ease of use for the community.,but it becomes a white elephant project when earlier feasibility studies of terrain and people[users] aren neglected by political office holders who just want to purchase agricultural machineries for political points
What role do panelists feel…
What role do panelists feel technology can play in reducing and preventing gender-based violence?
The African economy is…
The African economy is agriculture based, nevertheless the African smallholder farmers live under the hazards of deficit of agricultural production as they face regularly to the challenge of climate change with major effects of dropping their expect agricultural production when it is known that the overall smallholder farmers of developing countries have no savings for covering the aftershock of climate change.
Indeed, it has been noticed that fields are damaged after heavy rains happened somewhere in Burundi, a country of sub-Saharan area of Africa where intense precipitations erase regularly the harvest and other goods belonging to smallholder farmers living in the plains as well as in the mountains, accordingly the humanitarian assistance is often undertaken by public governmental institutions as well as qualitative organizations in favor of smallholder farmers in distress.
The current disruptive technology should be a tool of climate change resilience as well as in inclusive development by weather forecasting sent from the weather forecast data center to smallholder farmers towards mobile phones. The disruptive technology used in the accurate satellite photography could be shared easily through mobile phones by smallholder farmers and insurances of agriculture in monitoring the aftermath of climate change in agriculture. Also, the smallholder farmers living in remote areas could seek and receive financial assistance of insurances of agriculture towards their respective mobile phones.
The multilateral development institutions could serve as leaders in climate change resilience in agriculture by funding insurances for agriculture and weather forecast data centers involved in partnership with smallholder farmers. It is obvious that the insurances for agriculture remain scarce in developing countries particularly in Africa where it is needed that the multilateral development institutions launch the insurances for agriculture in order to ensure an average income for smallholder farmers living in developing countries.
I dare imagine that the insurances for agriculture will grow in number and in business across the whole Africa due to the performance of the current disruptive technology and through the support of the World Bank Group and other specific institutions involved in supporting smallholder farmers of rural area in increasing their income.
Blockchain promises the…
Blockchain promises the biggest disruptive development in the timeline of technological change. Elimination of intermediation! So, can inclusive growth stand to this force.
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