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The World Bank Group in Nepal, 2014-23


ADB (Asian Development Bank). 2022. Process Review of Cash for Work Program under Prime Minister Employment Program Nepal. ADB.

Adhikari, Bishnu, Srijana Nepal, and Rakshya Bhattachan. 2023. “Seven Years into Federalism, Is Nepal’s Glass Half Empty or Half Full?” InAsia (blog), May 3, 2023.

Ahmed, Iftekhar, Thayaparan Gajendran, Graham Brewer, et al. 2019. “Opportunities and Challenges of Compliance to Safe Building Codes: Bangladesh and Nepal.” APN Science Bulletin 9 (1).

Alkire, Sabina, Usha Kanagaratnam, and Nicolai Suppa. 2023. “The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2023 Country Results and Methodological Note.” Methodological Note 55, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, University of Oxford.

Bhandari, Dinanath, and Ajaya Dixit. 2022. “Missed Opportunities in Utilization of Weather Forecasts: An Analysis of October 2021 Disaster in Nepal.” Report, Institute for Social and Environmental Transition—Nepal.

Bulmer, Elizabeth Ruppert, Ami Shrestha, and Michelle Marshalian. 2020. Nepal—Jobs Diagnostic. World Bank.

Digital Watch. 2024. “Nepal Initiates Digital Identity at Birth with Biometric Smart ID Cards.” Dig.WatchNews, March 5, 2024.

Gurung, Manjeeta. 2024. “UN Women and Election Commission Foster Dialogue for Gender Inclusion in Nepali Elections.” UN Women.

ILO (International Labour Organization). 2021. “Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program (SNRTP) NEPAL: Decent Employment through Maintenance First Approach for Better Road Connectivity.” Brief, ILO.

IMF (International Monetary Fund). 2019. “Nepal: 2018 Article IV Consultation—Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Nepal.” Country Report 19/60, IMF.

IMF (International Monetary Fund). 2023. “Nepal: Third Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement—Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Nepal.” Country Report 23/384, IMF.

Khan, Mushtaq, Pallavi Roy, Sagar Prasai, Anurag Acharya, Avinash Karna, and Saumitra Neupane. 2022. Challenge of Inclusive Federalism in Nepal: A Political Settlements Analysis of Madhesh Province. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London; Policy Entrepreneurs Incorporated.

Kharel, Paras, and Kshitiz Dahal. 2021. Trade Policy Coherence and Coordination in Nepal: An Exploratory Assessment. South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment and The Asia Foundation.

National Planning Commission. 2015. Nepal Earthquake 2015: Post Disaster Needs Assessment—Vol. A: Key Findings. Government of Nepal.

National Reconstruction Authority. 2021a. Evaluation of Socio-Economic Impacts of Reconstruction in Nepal. Government of Nepal.

National Reconstruction Authority. 2021b. “Special Issue: Nepal’s Post Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction.” Vikas: A Journal of Development I (April): 1–136.

National Statistics Office. 2024a. Nepal Living Standards Survey IV 2022–23: Summary Report. Government of Nepal.

National Statistics Office. 2024b. Nepal Living Standards Survey IV 2022–23. Government of Nepal.

Nepal Ministry of Finance. 2022. Economic Survey 2021/22. Government of Nepal.

OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2023. “Creditor Reporting System: Aid Activities.” OECD International Development Statistics, OECD (accessed May 31, 2023).

Pillai, Aditya Valiathan, and Sagar Prasai. 2021. “The Political Economy of Electricity Trade and Hydropower Development in Eastern South Asia.” International Journal of Water Resources Development 37 (3): 411–23.

UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development). 2006. Trade Facilitation Handbook Part I—National Facilitation Bodies: Lessons from Experience. UNCTAD.

World Bank. 2013. “Nepal—Enterprise Survey 2013.” Survey ID NPL_2013_ES_v01_M, World Bank.

World Bank. 2014. Nepal—Country Partnership Strategy for the Period FY14–18. World Bank.

World Bank. 2015. “Nepal—Earthquake Post Disaster Needs Assessment.” Sector Report 97501, World Bank.

World Bank. 2017a. Climbing Higher: Toward a Middle-Income Nepal. Country Economic Memorandum. World Bank.

World Bank. 2017b. “Nepal—Country Partnership Strategy for FY14–18.” Performance and Learning Review 110322-NP, World Bank.

World Bank. 2017c. Nepal: Risk and Resilience Assessment. World Bank.

World Bank. 2018a. “Nepal—Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY14–18.” Completion and Learning Review Review 129164, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank.

World Bank. 2018b. Nepal—Country Partnership Framework for the Period FY2019–FY2023. World Bank.

World Bank. 2018c. Nepal: A New Approach for a Federal Nepal. Systematic Country Diagnostic. World Bank.

World Bank. 2019. Nepal Infrastructure Sector Assessment: Private Sector Solutions for Sustainable Infrastructure Development. World Bank.

World Bank. 2020. The World Bank Group Outcome Orientation at the Country Level. Independent Evaluation Group. World Bank.

World Bank. 2021a. “Nepal—First and Second Programmatic Fiscal and Public Financial Management Development Policy Credit Series.” Implementation Completion and Results Report ICR00005476, World Bank.

World Bank. 2021b. “Nepal—Integrated Platform for Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response in Nepal.” Implementation Completion and Results Report ICR00005162, World Bank.

World Bank. 2022a. “Nepal—Country Partnership Framework for FY19–24.” Performance and Learning Review 168048-NP, World Bank.

World Bank. 2022b. “Nepal—PPCR: Climate Hazards.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0022803, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank.

World Bank. 2023a. Creating an Enabling Environment for Private Sector Climate Action: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Support, Fiscal Years 2013–22. Independent Evaluation Group. World Bank.

World Bank. 2023b. Nepal Country Program Evaluation: World Bank Group Support to Nepal, Fiscal Years 2014–23. Approach Paper. Independent Evaluation Group. World Bank.

World Bank. 2023c. Nepal Fiscal Federalism Update. World Bank.

World Bank. 2023d. “Nepal—Nepal Fiscal Reforms DPC.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0022824, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank.

World Bank. 2023e. “Nepal 2023 Country Profile.” Enterprise Surveys, World Bank.

World Bank. 2023f. No More Sweet Deals: The Need to Reform Banks’ Related Party Transactions. World Bank.

World Bank. 2024a. “Nepal—Country Partnership Framework for FY19–24.” Completion and Learning Review, World Bank.

World Bank. 2024b. “Nepal—Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project.” Implementation Completion and Results Report ICR00006235, World Bank.

World Bank. 2024c. World Bank Support to Jobs and Labor Market Reform through International Development Association Financing: A First-Stage Evaluation. Independent Evaluation Group. World Bank.

World Bank. Forthcoming. World Bank Procurement Frameworks for Investment Project Financing. Independent Evaluation Group. World Bank.

World Bank and CIF (Climate Investment Funds). 2022. Transforming Weather, Water and Climate Services: Synthesis Report. World Bank and CIF.

World Bank and PPIAF (Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility). 2022. “Building Stronger Institutions to Deliver Better PPPs: The Role of Early-Stage Project Preparation.” Brief 176596, World Bank.

World Bank Group. 2018. Creating Markets in Nepal: Country Private Sector Diagnostic. World Bank Group.

World Bank Group. 2019. Nepal—Energy Infrastructure Sector Assessment. World Bank Group.

World Bank Group. 2022. Nepal—Country Climate and Development Report. World Bank Group.