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The World Bank Group in Nepal, 2014-23


This evaluation report was prepared by a team from the Independent Evaluation Group led by Rasmus Heltberg (lead evaluation officer). The team included Saku Akmeemana, Harsh Anuj, Corky de Asis, Deborah Delmar, Arjun Kaushik, Johan M. Lopez, Stephen C. Miller, Stuti Sachdeva, Habiburahman Sahibzada, and Avjeet Singh. Samriddhi Foundation and Ashish Shrestha contributed to data collection and analysis in Nepal. Lilima Bhatta in Kathmandu and Esperanza Sadiua and Patricia Acevedo in headquarters provided administrative support. Estelle Raimondo provided methods guidance, and Maximillian Ashwill provided editorial and messaging support.

The evaluation was conducted under the guidance and supervision of Jeffrey Allen Chelsky (manager until February 12, 2024) and Birgit Hansl (manager from June 1, 2024), Carmen Nonay (acting director for Human Development and Economic Management until October 15, 2023), and Theo Thomas (director from October 16, 2023) under the overall direction of Sabine Bernabè (Director General, Evaluation, and vice president).

Peer reviewers for this evaluation were Erik Bloom, principal evaluation officer, Independent Evaluation Department, Asian Development Bank; Sagar Prasai, previously with The Asia Foundation; Nigel Roberts, former World Bank country director; and Pallavi Roy, reader in political economy at the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

The Independent Evaluation Group is grateful to the government officials, development partners, and other stakeholders who provided valuable insights into the World Bank Group’s program in Nepal. We also thank the Bank Group management and staff who provided documents and information and participated in various meetings.