Early-Stage Evaluation of the Multiphase Programmatic Approach
This report was prepared by an Independent Evaluation Group team led by Rashmi Shankar under the guidance of Birgit Hansl (manager) and Theo David Thomas (director) and under the overall guidance of Sabine Bernabè (Director-General, Evaluation).
The evaluation team included Andrea Rojas, Diana Stanescu, Andrei Wong, and Marwane Zouaidi. Rasmus Heltberg advised the team. Additional advisers to the team were Harsh Anuj (data scientist) and Munib Qasim Zia (consultant).
The report was peer-reviewed by Srinivasan Venkat (evaluation specialist, Asian Development Bank) and Deborah Wetzel (consultant, former World Bank director for regional integration for Africa and the Middle East and North Africa).
The team is grateful to the Operations Policy and Country Services unit for technical discussions and data sharing.