
You Searched for:evaluation capacity development
Displaying 2571 - 2580 of 5036

Lessons from Past Financial Crises: IEG Evaluation Brief

This briefaddresses lessons from World Bank Group interventions in past financial crises. These lessons are relevant in helping the WBG and countries to confront the most severe global financial crisis in recent decades…

China Country Assistance Evaluation: Energy and Transport (Background Paper)


China Country Assistance Evaluation: Energy Sector (Background Paper)


Développement des capacités d'évaluation: une priorité grandissante

Il ressort du premier Rapport annuel sur le développement des capacités d'évaluation présenté par l'OED que la Banque mondiale a entrepris de renforcer son action à l'appui du renforcement des capacitÃ…

Suivi et evaluation: quelques outils, methodes et approaches

Le suivi et l'évaluation (S&E) des activités de développement donnent aux pouvoirs publics, aux ges-tionnaires du développement et à la société civile de meilleurs moyens de tirer les leçons…

Evaluating Bank Assistance for Public Financial Accountability in India in the 1990s


Evaluating Bank Assistance to India for Public Sector Management in the 1990s


Jordan - Human Resources Development Sector Investment Loan and Seventh Education Projects

This audit report rates the outcome of the projects as satisfactory, given the many successful achievements in complex areas, even though the full impact cannot be assessed until the…
Investment Climate Reforms

Investment Climate Reforms

This evaluation finds that the World Bank Group has supported a comprehensive menu of investment climate reforms. These reforms were generally supported in the right countries and generally addressed the right areas of…