
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Project Level Evaluations (PPARs)
Displaying 541 - 550 of 5483
country program evaluation, world bank group engagement in small states

World Bank Group Engagement in Small States

The Cases of the OECS, Pacific Island Countries, Mauritius, the Seychelles, Cabo Verde, and Djibouti - Clustered Country Program Evaluation

Independent Evaluation of the Climate Investment Funds Volume 1: Evaluation Report

The Climate Investment Funds (CIF), established in 2008, are a pair of funds to help developing countries pilot low-emissions and climate-resilient development. The purpose of the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) is "to…
The Private Sector in Fragile and Conflict Affected States

IEG Insights: The Private Sector in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

This brief on ways to support fragile and conflict-affected states (FCS) in fostering private sector development is based on an in-depth assessment of strategies and assistance programs by the Independent Evaluation…

Cambodia Country Assistance Evaluation

This is an approach paper for the evaluation of the World Bank's Assistance to Cambodia. The evaluation will review Bank's assistance from July 1, 1998 to December 31,2006 and will include reviews of project and program…
Evaluation 2030 - What Does the Future Look Like?

Evaluation 2030 - What Does the Future Look Like?

Five opportunities to change what and how we evaluate as we take on three ambitious development agendas.

Partnership for Education in Jordan

With vision and an innovative spirit, Jordan launched a program of education reform in 1985, and continues to work toward the goal it embodies: to establish an educational system that will enable its graduates to match…
Building Bridges Between Evaluators and Big Data Analysts

Building Bridges Between Evaluators and Big Data Analysts

Evaluation training programs do not often cover smart data analytics and many data scientists do not have a background in conventional evaluation methodology. Here are some ideas to build a bridge between these two…

Turkey - The World Bank in Turkey, 1993-2004 : country assistance evaluation (Turkish)

This report's assessments are as follows: The outcomes of the overall Bank program are rated moderately satisfactory, with substantial institutional development impact and likely sustainability. In the coming years the…

Zambia - Public Sector Management Program Support Project

This PPAR evaluates the World Bank's Public Sector Management Program Support Project (PSMP-SP) for the second phase of the public service reform program in Zambia. The project was approved on May 1, 2006, and closed…

Armenia - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2005-08 : IEG review

This review evaluates the Armenia FY05-08 Country Assistance Strategy Completion Report (CASCR). The objectives of Bank’s program as identified in the CAS and subsequent progress…