
Displaying 8761 - 8770 of 12858

Innovation in the Sovereign Debt Regime: From the Paris Club to Enhanced HIPC and Beyond

This background paper provides a largely discursive examination of the evolution of the international sovereign debt regime in regard to heavily indebted poor countries, tracing changes from the normal operation of the…

Successes and Challenges in Tertiary Education Lending, 1990-2000 (REACH)

- While more than three-quarters of tertiary education projects in middle-income countries - particularly in East Asia - had satisfactory outcome ratings, but those in low-income countries - especially in Africa -…

India - Andhra Pradesh Forestry Project

The audit concurs with the ratings of the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) of highly satisfactory outcomes, high institutional development, and likely sustainability. Likewise, the Borrower performance is rated…

Honduras - Transport Sector Rehabilitation


Armenia - Rehabilitation Credit, First, Second, and Third Structural Adjustment Credits, and Structural Adjustment Technical Assistance Credit Projects

The audit ratings are as follows: the Rehabilitation Credit Project outcome is highly satisfactory, sustainability highly likely, and institutional development impacts substantial;…

Equatorial Guinea - Second Petroleum Technical Assistance Project

The project outcome is rated as moderately satisfactory. while sustainability has been rated as likely. Both World Bank and Borrower performances are rated as unsatisfactory. Borrower…

Brazil - Santa Catarina State Highway Management Project

The project outcome is rated as satisfactory, and sustainability is rated likely. Bank performance is considered satisfactory, as is the performance by the Borrower. The review of the…

Brazil - Fundescola I


Pakistan - Punjab Forest Sector Development


Burkina Faso - Population / aids Control
