
Displaying 2951 - 2960 of 5550

Un équilibre délicat: La stratégie forestière de la Banque mondiale

La stratégie forestière de la banque, de 1991, intègre les objectifs environnementaux dans les activités courantes de la Banque et invite le Groupe de la Banque à adopter une approche multisectorielle…

En busca del equilibrio: Estrategia forestal del Banco Mundial

La estrategia forestal del banco de 1991 incorporó el programa de acción ambiental en sus actividades habituales e incitó al Grupo del Banco a adoptar un enfoque multisectorial para la conservación de los…

Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de seguimiento y evaluación en Uganda: Una perspectiva de gestión basada en los resultados

El mejoramiento de los sistemas de seguimiento y evaluación en Uganda ayudaría al gobierno a traducir las reformas del sector público en una mayor reducción de la pobreza. Se fortalecería la…

Information Infrastructure - The World Bank Group's Experience

This joint OED/OEG study fol-lows up OED's 1993 review of the Bank's experience in telecommunications. It assesses how World Bank Group as-sistance from 1993 onward has influ-enced the development of information…

Global Public Policies and Programs: Implications for Financing and Evaluation Proceedings from a World Bank Workshop

This volume is based on a workshop on global public policies and programs held in Washington, D.C., on July 11-12, 2000. This record has been as-sembled from transcripts of the recorded proceedings of the workshop as…

Indonesia - Fifth Population Project (Family Planning and Safe Motherhood), Yogyakarta Upland Area Development Project, and Village Infrastructure Project

The audit finds that the Village Infrastructure Project and Part B of the Fifth Population Project were highly satisfactory, because each scored highly on relevance, efficacy, and…

Ethiopia Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) reviews the development framework in Ethiopia, between the period 1992 to 1997, to evaluate the assistance provided. In 1992, the new government adopted an agriculture-led…

Azerbaijan Country Assistance Evaluation


Bolivia: Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation assesses the relevance, efficacy, and efficiency of the World Bank ' s assistance strategy since 1986. A working draft of the CAE was sent to the government of Bolivia. Their comments…